The last two days have been truly gorgeous in the City by the Bay. Warm, almost balmy November nights. Not completely unusual, but after a relatively cool summer and early fall, this has been an unexpected treat.
Now I know that there are a lot of problems in this world and that life can be incredibly difficult at times, but there are those moments when all the heavy burdens fall away and I’m just in awe at the stunning beauty of the planet we live on and how blessed we are to be alive.
I once heard Alan Watts describe our minds as ships in the night that seek out problems, worries and negativity like the beacon from a distant lighthouse. The beacon covers only a very small line in the ocean, and yet to our minds this line seems like the only thing that exists. If only we let ourselves sail off course into the vast ocean we would find that there’s nothing to be afraid of…
because not everything comes in straight lines…
or makes perfect sense…
sometimes we’re silhouettes…
and sometimes we appear as shadows…
but beauty is often found on the inside, after you take a second, closer look…
with all the bad news thrown at us 24/7 from all directions, it’s easy to get swept away in the negativity. And then we miss out on spinning around the sun, playing in the sand…
True treasures are often hidden from our minds…
found in the softer contours of our being…
Life really is a journey…
and we’re all searching for our glimmering home…
if you stretch yourself a little bit…
you may catch a view of the whole picture…
but when we fall on hard times…
it’s time to take a deep breath and look up at the sky, for you never know where you might find answers you didn’t know existed…
Just remember, you are loved…
even when it’s too dark to see…
photos by Debra Baida & Sven Eberlein
crossposted at Daily Kos
with many regards to Eric Burdon & The Animals
This was such a nice, relaxing way to start my day… and get me psyched to fly to San Francisco this afternoon!!! See you soon!
it’s staying beautiful just for you, Patty! : )
beautiful sven.
What poetry in work and image. Thank you to both you and Deb for the gift of perspective!
Oh, how I enjoyed this! Love-blessings for the world and the pictures add so much to these words of the heart.
And that first picture is pretty darn amazing!