Music Reviews Soul

You may say I’m a dreamer…

Written by Sven Eberlein

Well, with a fair amount of blushing I’ve got to share this little piece about . . . me. After all, it’s not every day you get compared to Orpheus, right?

The Dreamers of San Francisco series: Sven Eberlein is Orpheus rising

Since the article includes lyrics of two of my songs, I thought I’d post the audio of these old Chemystry Set gems right here.

Tiger on a Roll

Seed for a Dream

About the author

Sven Eberlein


    • Thank you. Listening to Ned’s tunes right now, some very creative soundscapes!

      No tours on the horizon currently, Chemystry Set is on a hiatus and I’m working on some new music. Thanks for checking in, kingkabuz.

  • I read this piece several days ago, Sven–what a great representation of you. Thanks for sharing; it’s good to get to know fellow bloggers a bit more. (I didn’t leave a comment then because I’d mixed up mine and my son’s football blog in the dashboard areas and figured you wouldn’t know who ‘Paul Vassallo’ was.:) But I finally got it figured out again.)
    Anyway, keep up all that love you share, in so many ways.