
It is never too late to care

Written by Sven Eberlein

Cosmic Spider Web, by Debra Baida

The great thing about blogging is that you get to connect with kindred souls whose orbit would otherwise not intersect with yours in this short lifetime we have on earth. One such soul is Pam Bickell, who was one of the first folks to stop by here and who I’ve got to know and love through her wonderful ruminations on Notes Along the Path. What’s really cool about our exchanges is that we’ve broadened each others’ horizons, finding the sweet spots between her profound search for the divine and my ramblings about all things eco.

The other day Pam posted a piece entitled Recycling and the Great Cosmic Being about her most recent foray into keeping things from going to the landfill, something that’s not exactly a top priority in her community. One paragraph at the end jumped out at me because it really brings home what I believe to be an ancient wisdom — that our spiritual path is very much intertwined with the footprints we leave on this precious planet:

“The actions of those who care about the Earth and each other, are helping to bring about the shift in consciousness. Do what you can, each of you, and you will share, and share in, the gifts of Love. It is never too late to care.”

Amen, Sister!

About the author

Sven Eberlein


  • Thanks, Sven for your thoughtful comment at my blog and for mentioning my post here, too. You’re right about what came to me from my ‘higher’ self–“it’s never too late to care”–it does sum up how important our actions are relative to our spiritual journeys. And if you hadn’t commented, I would never have thought of it that way. Thanks again.

    • Pam, that’s what’s so great about collaboration and co-creation — we get to places that we didn’t even know existed within us and that we wouldn’t have discovered on our own.